Saturday, May 10, 2008

Smith and Salmon: two failures this season

The U.S. Department of Commerce has declared the 2008 salmon season a failure. Gordon Smith boldly responded:

“A season without work is devastating for families who are struggling to pay bills and put food on the table,” Smith said. “Given skyrocketing gas and food prices, getting aid to these fishing communities quickly is critical. It’s a matter of survival."

Maybe Gordon Smith ought to have thought about the effects of skyrocketing gas prices when he voted in favor of policies that would ensure exactly that result. The Shock and Awe that Gordon Smith voted to support and fund continuously ever since has certainly redounded to shock at the gas pump and awe at the chutzpah it takes to avoid taking any responsibility for his part in causing this problem.

Senator Smith, you cannot shed more crocodile tears for all the victims of your policies even as you expect us to vote for you based on those fake demonstrations of caring. At some point, Senator, just own up to your mistakes. Be a man, rise to the occasion, and do the right thing. Drop out of the Senate race and make way for someone better, someone who will vote against funding this disastrous occupation of Iraq and free up $billions for the care of our people and environment.

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