Monday, May 19, 2008

Hope against Smith and McCain

Yesterday, 18 May 2008, Oregonians showed up in record numbers to stand for Barak Obama. What were we there for?

We want someone who will stop and reverse the kinds of policies that George Bush and Gordon Smith have promulgated on our lives and on this world. We are looking for hope and strength, not the ravages of war that Bush and Smith have brought to us. Finally, we want to hear someone speak in real words that have real meaning. George Bush proclaims that he is a man of peace. Gordon Smith wrings his hands and says he is against some parts of some wars. Neither one are credible; their words are Orwellian, Goebbellian.

Is Obama perfect? Nope--we want him to be much stronger and more specific about getting out of Iraq once he's elected. But all the alternatives to Bush-McCain lies are preferable and we stood to hear the most hopeful.

All the announced alternatives to Gordon Smith are vastly preferable. We are sick of being lied to. We want hope and we will have it, finally.

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