Friday, May 16, 2008

Senator Smith vote for peace

The US House has cast the first actual vote against the Bush-Cheney-Smith war, voting against further funding at long last.

Now the vote goes to the Senate. Since the vote in the House was close, was historic, and really meant something, only two Republicans joined the peace vote. This will be Smith's chance to prove he is really on the path to peace, since the Republican warmakers will be pressuring every Senator to vote more money for this unjust and lethal occupation.

We will be at Smith's office at 11 a.m. today, insisting that he promise to join in this vote.

We expect to be arrested.

Come offer your thoughts. And contact the Smith office sometime today, expressing them. His office at 121 W. Salmon: Voice: 503-326-3386 FAX: 503-326-2900

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