Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Senator "Stealthmode" Smith

Gordon Smith tries very hard to be known as the antiwar senator in the mode of Mark Hatfield, who actually voted against the Vietnam War when it was not popular or politically "wise" to do so. Smith continues this charade with comments like this, on Patraeus's surge report:

“The sad truth is that the surge cannot win the peace; only Iraqi leaders are capable of stopping the bloodshed. The United States should not hand over the keys of American military and foreign policy to an Iraqi government that will not govern. The stakes are too high. America’s mission is the war on terror. Our troops should be fighting Al Qaeda not another country’s civil war.”

What a noble statement. Why, then, Senator Smith, do you vote the Bush line when it really matters, when the question arises about funding the surge? It gives the ignoble lie to your false statements. You cannot claim to be for peace while you eviscerate our Oregon economy with votes for $3 trillion for this godawful war. What crocodile tears.

The total doesn't add up. You cannot be a self-promoting peace candidate, conveniently now that most Oregonians are against the occupation, while slipping into stealth mode every time your Cheney-Bush leaders tell you to vote for more massive money bills for war.

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